</ The great french Philosopher Voltaire once said " If God did not exist ,it would be necessary to invent him ".Understanding religion is one of the toughest tasks for penseurs ,philosophers and educationists.For those who believe in God or existence of a supreme power, religion is a solace and for those who don't,religion is an escape but Whether solace or escape ,Religion remains an inseperable part of mankind.The necessity and relevance of religion are subjects which are often discussed and are redefined but what remains untouched is the APPLICATION OF RELIGION.Being Theist or Atheist is an invidual choice but for proper functionning of this world there must be a Theos(god).To explain it further,I would like to quote Albert Camus ,again a great french philosopher "Ah, mon cher, for anyone who is alone, without God and without a master, the weight of days is dreadful". God is not only meant for worshipping but the idea of God is like an assistance ...
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