

दुःख है अपना सुख पराया है मनुज निज  का सताया कुछ न खोया कुछ न पाया फिर भी अहम् में सो न पाया  स्वार्थ है प्रतिपल मोहता हूँ मैं सही ये सोचता खुशियों को  खुद ही रोकता फिर नियति को है कोसता मिथ्या को है सहेजता ओर व्यर्थ को है खोजता संभावनाओं को है समेटता फिर बाट सत्य की जोहता जो हो मनुष्य तो एक बार सत्य का संकल्प लो और जीवन में फिर कभी मत क्रोध को विकल्प दो जो हो समर्थ तो एक बार अपने ह्रदय का रुख करो मिल जायेंगे प्रत्येक उत्तर ,प्रश्न खुद से तो करो निधि अखौरी अप्रैल. १८ ,२०१६ 

Tolerance is the tradition .

Your religion ? I am Hindu ! This will be my answer if anybody in India will ask but I am not gonna say it when I am asked the same question in Europe or America or any other country. My answer will be "I am Indian". It has to be my answer and that is the only answer which is required, accepted and understood once I step out of my country. Religion is not above the nation and people of all religions must understand this. Having said so, the challenge here is Religion must not invoke anti-nationalism and must be practiced to protect the country where it is practiced and it must find a way to co-exist with the other religions. The willingness and capacity to co-exist is tolerance. Tolerance is an individual talent. The reason I call it a talent is, that it needs to be identified at a very young age, nurtured until a certain age and then be used for a collective motive. In India, the continuous effort to nurtu...

मेरे मन की बात

बात  सिर्फ कन्हैया जी की नहीं है अभी , बात उन मुददों की है जो काफी वक़्त से जेहन में हैं  , किसके जेहन में हैं  इसका जवाब देना मुश्किल है , मुश्किल नहीं पर हाँ शब्द कौन सा उपयोग करूँ ये मुश्किल है।   एक शब्द है अंगेज़ी का  पॉलिटिकली करेक्ट होना । फैशन के दौर में पॉलिटीकली करेक्ट होना फैशन भी है , बुद्धिमान और बुद्धिजीवी होने का प्रतीक भी और आज के दौर की राजनीति की जरुरत भी मगर मेरा इरादा यहाँ पॉलिटिकली करेक्ट होने का बिलकुल भी नहीं है तो मैं बगैर किसी दिक्कत के लिख सकती हूँ की बात उन मुद्दों की है जो काफी वक़्त से  जेहन में है , हिन्दुओं के जेहन में हैं।कन्हैया जी और उन जैसे बहुतों को दिक्कत है , दिक्कत इस बात से है की अफज़ल गुरु को फांसी हो गयी। भारत जहाँ हज़ारों मुददे हैं सरकार के खिलाफ मोर्चा खोलने को , किसी भी सरकार के खिलाफ , वो मोदी हों या मनमोहन। मुददों की कमी नहीं है छात्रों के पास। कुछ नहीं तो सीट्स ही बढ़वा लेते पीएचडी में दाखिले के लिए। थोड़ी स्कालरशिप भी बढ़ जाती तो अच्छा ही रहता। होस्टल्स में सीट्स बढ़वा लेते , कुछ भी ऐसा करते की लगता की छात्र नेत...

Being Hindu !: PK : The formal objection !

Being Hindu !: PK : The formal objection ! : There were several reasons to watch PK. The most obvious was it being a Amir Khan's movie and the least important was the hue and cry o...

PK : The formal objection !

There were several reasons to watch PK. The most obvious was it being a Amir Khan's movie and the other was  the hue and cry over it. Though the controversy around it never affected me  but I must say that I was trying to steal time to watch it. When the news were doing the rounds I was enjoying the Kavitas , chutkule and the funny cartoons trending on fb, whatsapp and twitter. Some poems were really good. Some jokes were outstanding and last but not the least , News channels  did a great job in the panel discussions, in inviting people from different fields to discuss Hinduism and how the film was doing well. The debate on whether this  film should be made  tax  free or not  and I was really amazed when Akhilesh Yadav made it Tax free actually. That was the moment when I Knew that there is something in the movie which was not related to ENTERTAINMENT, entertainment and entertainment. Start...

India doesn't need your interpretation of Hinduism!

Before I start, I want to make it clear that this article is going to be highly influenced by Narendra Modi and the new face of India - The Guardian  but  is strictly not about  Narendra Modi or discussing Indian politics. Enough has been read, written and published about the present scenario of Indian politics. What I worry about is the politicisation of Hinduism .Fine ! As a AAM AADMI ( in  aam terms, not in political terms) I am told to digest the fact that it is Politics .The whole hue and cry about Hindu, Hindutva  and RSS  is politics (that is what a non-political, Indian citizen would conclude by the present trend ) because for a Hindu;Hinduism is never about killing masses and violence. The idea of Pankaj Mishra of  referring Narendra Modi as a Hindu  nationalist  With the rise of Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi    reminds me of the American presidential elections 2008. Obama Elect...


</ The great french Philosopher Voltaire once said " If God did not exist ,it would be necessary to invent him ".Understanding religion is one of the toughest tasks for penseurs ,philosophers and educationists.For those who believe in God or existence of a supreme power, religion is a solace and for those who don't,religion is an escape but Whether solace or escape ,Religion remains an inseperable part of mankind.The necessity and relevance of religion are subjects which are often discussed and are redefined but what remains untouched is the APPLICATION OF RELIGION.Being Theist or Atheist is an invidual choice but for proper functionning of this world there must be a Theos(god).To explain it further,I would like to quote Albert Camus ,again a great french philosopher "Ah, mon cher, for anyone who is alone, without God and without a master, the weight of days is dreadful". God is not only meant for worshipping but the idea of God is like an assistance ...